Admin Features

Advanced Settings - Customizing MyConferenceTime
Use the Advanced Settings to customize a few features for your school account. If you do nothing else on the Advanced Settings page, we strongly recom...
Mon, 22 Jul, 2019 at 4:51 PM
Advanced Settings - Enable Staff Viewing of Hidden Schedules
MyConferenceTime schedules can be hidden from parents. Hiding schedules from parents enables school staff to edit schedules and/or pre-register parents prio...
Mon, 12 Aug, 2019 at 2:50 PM
Archived Schedules - Viewing, editing, deleting
Admins who would like to see or delete archived schedules can do so using these directions: Go to Summaries > Schedule Summary. Above the table of sch...
Thu, 5 Jan, 2023 at 12:43 PM
Blocking an email address - restricting someone from signing up for a conference
If your school needs to block an email address from signing up for a parent-teacher conference, please submit your request to MyConferenceTime using a sup...
Thu, 27 Jun, 2019 at 1:46 PM
Cancel Conferences Online (Directions for School Admins to Allow Parents to Cancel Online)
This article is for MyConferenceTime administrators.  If you are a parent who needs to cancel a conference, please see our instructions for parents to c...
Thu, 11 Aug, 2022 at 2:42 PM
Clear Conference Data from Schedules
Using the "Schedule Summary," you can clear student data from multiple MyConferenceTime schedules quickly. Log in as the admin. In the "...
Thu, 27 Jun, 2019 at 1:48 PM
Comment on Schedule - editing by admin
Using the "Schedule Summary," admins can edit the comment of one or multiple MyConferenceTime schedules quickly. Log in as the admin. In the &q...
Mon, 7 Feb, 2022 at 2:01 PM
Comment on Schedule - Viewing for All Schedules
MyConferenceTime admins can view the schedule comments that have been entered for schedules.  Log in as an admin Go to Summaries -> Schedule Summary ...
Mon, 7 Feb, 2022 at 2:09 PM
Conference Time Slots - Adding to Multiple/All Schedules
This help article is for MyConferenceTime admins who need to add time slots to multiple/all schedules that already exist.  Log in as an admin Go to S...
Fri, 29 Oct, 2021 at 1:06 PM
Conference Time Slots - Change Length
MyConferenceTime admins can change the length of time slots on all schedules. This is helpful when conferences were originally set for X minutes but should ...
Mon, 29 Apr, 2024 at 10:35 AM