It's the day of conferences and a teacher gets sick. For now, there's not a way to send cancellation notifications for only one teacher directly from MyConferenceTime. (You can email notifications to everyone, but the directions on the page you're reading right now are for notifying just those parents who signed up for the ONE teacher who is sick.) These directions allow you to get the parents' email addresses so that you can compose an email in your email client (Outlook, Gmail, etc).

  1. Log in to MyConferenceTime
  2. Go to the teacher's conference schedule
  3. Using the "schedule options" drop-down menu, select "Download spreadsheet of participant info"
  4. Open the downloaded spreadsheet. 
  5. Use the parents' contact information in the spreadsheet to email the parents (copy/paste the email addresses into your email application - and please BCC the email addresses to protect student/parent privacy), or notify them by phone using the phone numbers the parents provided during registration.