Using the "Date Summary," you can see how many conferences were scheduled and posted for each date, plus you can view how many conferences were scheduled and posted for each hour.

To view how many conferences are scheduled for a specific date or time:

  1. Log in as the admin
  2. In the "Summaries" menu at the top of the screen, select "Date Summary"
  3. You will be able to see overall stats for how many conferences are scheduled and how many unique students have conferences:

    and stats for each date and for each hour:

    Additionally, we now have Snapshots showing an overview of each day: To view more Snapshots (if available), click on the "all" link (highlighted below) in the column heading:


To view a list of students who are signed up for conferences on a specific date:

Option 1: PDF

  1. Log in as the admin
  2. In the "Summaries" menu at the top of the screen, select "Date Summary"
  3. Select the date(s) for which you would like to view a list of students and conferences
  4. Using the drop-down menu at the top of the list of date(s), select "Create pdf summary"

Option 2: Webpage

  1. Log in as the admin
  2. In the "Summaries" menu at the top of the screen, select "Date Summary"
  3. If a date has conferences scheduled, you can click on the "students" link to see a list of the conferences.

When viewing stats on the "Date Summary" page, you will see a list of the dates, and each date is broken down by hour so you can see which hours of conferences are most attended