Staff members who are logged in to MyConferenceTime can print student schedules. This is helpful if you want to send a paper copy of each schedule home with students, of if you are doing an event where students must follow a prescribed schedule that was created using MyConferenceTime.

(Account administrators have the ability to print student schedules for multiple schedules using the "Schedule Summary." If printing student handouts for multiple teachers' schedules, it's probably faster to have an admin create the handouts using the Schedule Summary.) 

To create a handout of each student's conference schedule

  1. Log in
  2. If the site does not take you directly to your conference schedule, go to your conference schedule
  3. Use the drop-down menu that says "Schedule Options..." near the top of the page.
  4. Select Printing > Schedule for each student (handout).

Depending on the number of students and the number of conferences, this process uses a lot of paper. Please be conservative in your paper usage.